
Discurso de Mr. Joshua Nester en la Graduación Utel Ciudad de México 2024

La Magna Graduación de Utel en la Ciudad de México 2024 fue una noche inolvidable, marcada por la emoción, el orgullo y la celebración de los logros alcanzados por nuestros graduados. En este evento tan significativo, tuvimos el privilegio de contar con la presencia del Director General de SEEK Investments, Joshua Nester. A través de su discurso, destacó las grandes historias de esfuerzo y superación que acompañan a cada uno de nuestros estudiantes, reconociendo el valor de sus trayectorias y alentando a todos los presentes a seguir construyendo su propio camino con determinación y pasión.

Discurso de Mr. Joshua Nester

‘‘It’s such an honor to be speaking with you today to celebrate this very significant life milestone.

One of the most rewarding aspects of my career in global education is my long association with Utel University. I have served on this board for eight years, and Utel’s purpose aligns perfectly with my own: to help more people around the world access quality higher education. Why? Because I believe in the transformative power of education.

Higher education changed my life. I was the first in my family to go to university, and my degree in International Business and Japanese formed the backbone of my career and my life. But you already understand this because today, we are here to celebrate each and every one of you for finding your way to be here today, to receive your Utel degree. Behind every award today is an inspirational story.

Take, for instance, Juan Carlos Zavala Gonzalez, who today graduates with a Master’s in Business Data Science. Juan Carlos is a 15-year IT professional whose career has seen him land leadership positions across education, government, and the private sector. He already had a successful career with his in-demand skill set, but he chose to dream bigger by pursuing a Utel postgraduate degree so he could have an even greater impact on his community and the world and inspire others to do the same using his skills in predictive analysis.

Then there is Francelia Socorro Armenta de los Heras, who graduates today with her Bachelor ‘s in Organizational Psychology. Francilia is a versatile professional with a natural talent for building human connections. The skills she acquired in her degree, together with the relationships she forged not only in Mexico but around the world, made for a very satisfying journey with Utel and have set her up for a variety of professional roles.

Another remarkable graduate is Mitzy Cristina Gonzales Kerson, who today receives her Master’s in Educational Institutions Management. Mitzi already had an extensive academic and managerial background in education and administration. As a parent of three children, a wife, and a daughter, she patiently waited for years for her opportunity to study this master’s degree, and she chose Utel to help make that dream a reality. Mitzi believes that you’re never too old to learn, especially when you have something as powerful as family supporting and driving you on.

We also have Álvaro Posse Guzmán from Colombia, who today graduates with his Master’s in Psychology. Alvaro had a distinguished career in educational leadership and psychology and even holds a position as a rector at an educational institution. He chose not to settle but to push himself to develop new skills in mindfulness so that he could combine these with his knowledge of psychology and teaching experience to address educational challenges in an even more comprehensive way. Alvaro believes that Utel’s breadth of choice and flexibility have empowered him to pursue his true purpose for an even brighter future.

Indeed, each and every one of you graduating here today has a very unique story. You all have a purpose, your own very personal reasons for being here and making a significant commitment to your higher education. And you each made the choice to pursue a quality degree with Utel University. By doing so, many of you were able to continue working and earning while studying the degree that best suits your calling, thanks to the breadth and flexibility that Utel uniquely offers.

Make no mistake, flexibility does not mean easy. Degrees are hard-won; they’re meant to be. Indeed, earning your degree by studying online is an even greater accomplishment in so many ways. If it were easy to achieve, then everyone would have one. Somehow, each of you dug deep and found your way to be here today. There is so much meaning wrapped up in those three little words, isn’t there?

Let’s all reflect for a moment on the determination, resilience, skill, courage, and sacrifice it took over so many years for you to be here receiving your award as a graduate of Utel University. That’s why those three words mean so much to me, and they ought to mean so much to you as well. It is precisely these attributes that will set you up for success in whatever you choose to do next. That choice is entirely yours. Whatever your purpose or your dream, may you continue to find your way. Gracias”.

Estas fueron las palabras de Joshua Nester, Director General de SEEK Investments, quien mostró gran entusiasmo durante toda la ceremonia y se mostró contento por ser parte de este momento tan significativo para cada uno de los estudiantes de Utel.

Universidad Mexico